Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Skinny Dip

All fifty of us on Dancing Ledge, naked sprites, trying not to make anything of the fact that the pitted and barnacled volcanic rock was in itself very, very uncomfortable and that the swimming in prospect was terrifying.
If you were a beginner, you had to stay afloat in the pool which E & G were thought themselves to have blasted out of the surface of the Ledge (paddling desperately, absolutely certain there was a Conger Eel in the murky depths waiting patiently until now for YOU to present yourself). If you graduated to the actual Atlantic Ocean, and did not drown at once, you were sure to be hideously cut as you tried to time the wave that put you back onto the Ledge.

1 comment:

Nick Gough said...

'Atlantic Ocean'? English Channel, surely?