Tuesday, 10 April 2018


I have only just noticed this excellent blog. I have pleasant memories of Spyway between 1955 and 1961. My memories are very similar to others: 
  • the Warners lighting pipes and sharpening pencils with pen knifes; 
  • their Cona coffee machines 
  • Mr G mowing the playing fields with a Land Rover (or Jeep as someone else said); Mr E doing likewise with a little grey tractor
  • their beautiful open-top motor cars 
  • being frightened of ‘oiks’ in the Drove 
  • horrid lumpy porridge
  • delicious white glutinous spotted dick with hot syrup (the like never to be found in later life) 
  • playing games with dates or capitals of the world at meal times 
  • water wings in the pool at Dancing Ledge and later, a perilous swim off the ledge to prove I could
  • the sting of Mr. Gray’s wooden spoon on my flat palm (I was no good at Latin but always thought it was the wrong way to administer corporal punishment)
  • summer days lying on the upper playing field and playing the ‘Owzat’ cricket game and becoming a world expert on cricket (I was no good at the real game)
I was deemed to be a bit of a weakling and Matron was therefore required to feed me a large tablespoon of molasses daily. As a result I became Matron’s pet and was allowed to watch black and white TV with her in the evenings. I can’t remember her name.
The Warners were confirmed bachelors but while I was there, Mr Geoffrey quite out of the blue got married to the assistant matron who was much younger than him. This caused a lot of tittering, and must have come as a shock to Mr Eric.
Mr Eric was a kindly soul who cultivated my interest in science and allowed me to ‘repair’ his Bassett-Lowke O-gauge locos, working at the tiny table at the near right corner as you went into the model railway room. It was a wonderful layout with three control stations: Middle, Hill and Top. The controllers were these:
I think the complete layout looked like this:
Anyone know better?
I used to control from Middle. I remember once the boys controlling Top conceived a plan to retain trains in Top until they had a fair number and then to send them all back down the hill to me in a rush, hoping to cause a crash. Fortunately I had seen what they were up to and managed to handle the rush by judicious use of the sidings.
Mr Bailey was a very good science teacher who devised interesting experiments. I remember one where he poured a small amount of boiling water into a milk bottle and then sealed it with a shelled hard-boiled egg. As the interior cooled, the egg was sucked into the bottle. Boyle’s Law.
I and another boy (can’t remember who) once decided to make a rocket out of those aluminium tubes they sold cigars in. Over a period of time we stole a large number of the Warners' Swan Vesta matches, scraped the red stuff off them and packed the powder into the tube. We let it off in the middle of the night out of a dormitory window. It went quite well. Inevitably the Warners got to hear about it. Typically, there was no punishment. Mr. Eric simply asked me to demonstrate it again from the concrete bunker where they kept the mowers (before the proper shed for them was built). He gave me the number of matches I had told him we had stolen. Unfortunately I had lied about the quantity, so the demo was a bit of a damp squib.


dominic said...

One favourite comment - or good spirited reprimand from the G.O.D (good orderly director) of the train network was: "Watch out driver, there are people eating soup in the dining-car of that train, or they will have it in their laps!"

dominic said...

One favourite comment - or good spirited reprimand from the G.O.D (good orderly director) of the train network was: "Watch out driver, there are people eating soup in the dining-car of that train, or they will have it in their laps!"

Bodie said...

The Matron was Frances, and the assistant Matron the year before me was Baraba Collins. Frances absconded with James, young Latin teacher many years her junior. She was a chain smoker with a deep voice, wicked sense of humour and an MGA. I was Assistant Matron at the time (1967, aged 17) and was promoted to full Matron for rest of year before going up. Henrietta was practically pushing a pram with one hand and a wheelchair with Mr Geoffrey in it with the other. I used to drive Mr Eric's Lagonda (with its fluid flywheel) to cricket matches and remember the gloom if we lost to Old Malthouse. Head boy was Tennyson. There was a maths teacher who was often to be found dozing off in his chair in Staff room. My first term, boys used to drag each other naked down corridor in an attempt to get a splinter implanted in their bottom so they could knock on my door and ask me to remove it... I can recall some of the boys, it was Spartan, for sure, but it made for wonderful lads.