Sunday, 18 May 2008

Roof Space 2

My time was 1948-53. The roof space that I remember was the eaves space that connected Geoffrey's day room and the room where they (mostly Eric) had their model railway layout. I can remember using it to get to the cupboard where the stationery was kept. What I found particularly Valuable and Attractive were the maths square-ruled exercise books. I honestly cannot remember if I had any partners in crime, probably because even now I have a strong sense both that the taking of these books was morally wrong and that the intrusion into the railway room was somehow sacrilegious. So I would have been quite keen for noone to know my secret. As it happens I somehow made myself into a banker for the Dinky Club, using the ruled paper to make currency, so it was important that noone else had a source of the paper. Before the scam petered out I certainly made some real money from the fellow pupils who had more of that than sense.As to the railway room (a) I continue to believe that the LMS was superior to any other railway company anywhere ever and (b) as long as steam was there to be smelled, at Euston or wherever, I was always disappointed that in real life it failed to smell of Three Nuns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe it was you who sold me a few tons of money for the Dinky Club (in return for a very ancient Dinky that would have been worth a fortune today!)- after all you had the proper paper and it seemed like real money in 1952.

I also made the journey on hands and knees to Eric's Train Room and I can remember having a good go at them from the central console when no-one was about - what bravery!

I was guilty of many other crimes and was chastised with the 'stingo anny' at least once and failed to make head boy!